Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Personally Connecting and a Fitbloggin’ Review Part One

Too often in today’s world, we don’t really, truly connect with the world. We follow bloggers, are inspired by their journeys and comment on their Instagram photos. But, are we REALLY connecting? Our inclination these days is to send a text or an email instead of talking on the phone. A few weeks ago I realized that while I text and chat with a friend of mine who lives on the east coast almost every day, I actually haven’t talked to him on the phone in a year and a half. I called him, almost immediately…and then again the following week. What this world needs more of is personal contact. What I need more of is personal contact. This year, personal, real connections are one my top goals. I make phone calls instead of texts. I send thank you notes in the mail instead of a quick email. I send congratulatory cards instead of congratulatory Facebook messages. I meet friends for drinks instead of Gchatting.  I always feel better after real connections.

So, instead of just commenting on one of my favorite bloggers’ Facebook posts, I decided to go to Fitbloggin’ and meet a community of people just like me striving for and living healthier lifestyles.

This year was my first Fitbloggin’ Conference—one of the many fitness and health conferences hosted each year. I didn’t know a single person in real life and I’m new to blogging but thought, hey why not? Here are my thoughts on Fitbloggin’ and why you should get involved too.

A Real Community

The health, weight loss, and fitness blogging community is incredibly nice and inclusive. I didn’t have a roommate and got an offer from Julie Goes Healthy to room with her, Just One Cupcake and Running Shoes and a Saute Pan. They were all amazing and super accommodating. Big thanks to them for helping a girl out.

The rest of the community was amazing as well. I met more bloggers in the lobby, in the elevator, on my hotel floor and in the sessions. I always had someone to talk to whether it was sitting at a table or tripping over myself at Zumba Fest.

Workout Sessions

I went to Zumba Fest, Posture Fit, and Yoga on the Rooftop.  Zumba is zumba…I can’t dance. I don’t usually try but the community that attends Fitbloggin' doesn’t judge you because you can’t bounce your booty right. They had a variety of instructors leading dances, each with their own style. Some of the instructors were outside my wheelhouse—a little too quick for my two left feet and one instructor could dance like Beyonce. If you haven’t figured it out, I’m not Beyonce. 

As for PostureFit, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to make a real difference with both my posture and my core. First of all, I have terrible posture. So much so that in the last year during my day job, I started sighing all day. Turns out if you have crappy posture, you can’t breathe right and your body looks for ways to get breath in. Also, my abs hurt for about 3 days after a 15 minute session.

Yoga on the Rooftop was ah-mazing. The view was first rate. Even though it was outside, it was still quiet. I didn’t get there in time to get a yoga mat so I ended up with a towel, which was a little frustrating but I made do.  

Overall, all of the fitness classes I attended were great—I just wish there were more. I would love to see short workouts with the breaks in between sessions. It would give us an opportunity to stretch it out or do a quick HIIT workout.


While I wasn’t planning on attending the Branding session with Emily Ho, I ended up at the session. I’m glad I didn’t miss it because it was one of my favorite! She got our group asking the right questions and talking about ourselves the way we need to be.

The Sweat Pink ladies and Kelly Olexa with of Fitfluential fame were also top sessions for me. What was useful about their sessions is that they got real, they gave numbers, examples, and worked through issues. For someone starting out in blogging or looking to grow their blog, these are the sessions you need to be in.

Some of the sessions overlapped and I wish there were more options but then again I didn’t know what to expect and wasn’t engaged during the call for sessions.


I worked out. I met great people. I learned a lot (more on this later this week) and talked to some amazing brands about what they look for in bloggers (more on this too). I’m really happy that I went—and I’m doing it again in 2016.