Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What Not To Do When You Are On a Sugar Detox

As I’ve mentioned, I’m doing a sugar detox. I’ve been great at it. No cheats…for the first 7 days. Then, I cheated. In fact, I cheated big and had ice cream.

So, what do you not what to do if you are sugar detoxing?


It was bad. My stomach was upset within about 10 minutes. I bloated immediately. And, my stomach hurt for the rest of the night. The next day I still wasn’t right. It was almost like a sugar hangover. I didn’t start feeling right until 4pm…THE NEXT DAY.

But hey, I learned my lesson, didn’t I? Don’t cheat with something full of sugar when you haven’t had any for a week. Or maybe the bigger lesson is that sugar is making me sick (and overweight, duh!). Let’s just say, I haven’t cheated since and I don’t plan on it.

Other than the cheating incident, I have some other news. Turns out that if you cut out sugar, eat healthy and at least be a bit active, you are going to lose weight. I lost 6lbs and 5 inches off my body after one week of detoxing and staying within in my calorie range!!

If this is the first post you are reading about my sugar detox journey, I want to make it clear—I’m not doing a wacky diet (although I’ve done plenty over my lifetime) or doing the sugar detox to lose weight (although that’s a great side effect). I realized I had a sugar/sweets habit that I needed to break and I went cold turkey. Also, I still eat fruit.

Overall, I’m really happy with the direction that I’m going and the commitment to eating healthier!


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