Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goals, Clothes and Motivation

Since I got my dog at the beginning of the summer, I have lost 15lbs just from walking. I walk a lot since she is an active dog. I hit the lowest number I've seen since I graduated from grad school, for a total weight loss of the last 2 years to be 40lbs! It sure does make a difference. All of sudden I have some more pants that fit me. I have 5 blazers I can wear again. I already feel amazing.

Now, don't get me wrong: I still have a long way to go. It may be easy for some people to run miles and miles or just say no to cookies, cakes and candy. But, hitting this 40lb mark has really set a new level for me. I love that I look a little bit more put together (because I have more clothes to make cuter outfits).

What I really need to get under control is my eating. I like sweets, and carbs, and chips, and breakfast sandwiches. These things are hard to break. I've been doing it slowly. My goal this week has been to start measuring everything. Its hard to do and I simply do not have the time to always do it. So, I'm trying to really hard to move my schedule around so that I can measure it. I'm doing this by making my lunch at night. And, then making mini quiche looking breakfast bites in my muffin tins.

So, portion control and measuring everything is my number one goal for this week! Who's with me?

Here's a helpful guide I'll be using... along with my food scale and measuring cups.  


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