Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Almost Time for My First Fitbloggin Conference

I took the plunge and am attending the Fitbloggin' 15 Conference in 22 short days. I'm not regularly posting yet--its a challenge as is focusing on getting healthy and losing weight. However, I know from experience spending a few days with other people with the same mindset, attending a conference sessions, and working out will be super inspirational.

So, with three weeks to go to Fitbloggin, I'm doubling down on my efforts to get healthier. I'm currently on day two of a five day clean eating challenge. It certainly is a challenge to cut out all of the crap I like to snack on but its a great way to kick off the month.  I'm on day two and have stuck to it about 85% of the time. If I can eat clean  80-90% of the time, that's certainly progress. We all know eating right is 80% of the game. So, if I can get that down, then I'm cruising along to a healthier lifestyle.

At the beginning of each month, I set goals and make a list of the things I want to accomplish during the month--everything from life and career to fitness and health. I thought it would be fun to share my top three health and fitness goals for the month on the blog!


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