Early Morning Walks
Walking my dog is something that puts me at ease--especially in the morning. The streets are quiet. In the summer, the sun is out or there's daylight. Most people aren't out on the street driving or walking. I don't often see other people out walking their dogs. It is so completely peaceful.
Let's be clear: I'm not a morning person and that's probably why a morning walk does so much for me. I really don't want to talk to people first thing in the morning. In fact, I want to watch a little TV, check my email/news, and figure out what the priorities are for the day.
I've been in a funk with my mornings lately, which have turned into a grumpy attitude and not being as productive as I could be. So, with the break in the rain for a few hours a couple of days ago, I started walking the dogs again. Feeling better, I decided to get up and go early.
I forgot how much walking in the morning clears out the sleepy fog and gets my brain really churning. I know part of the mood boost is the fact that it is exercise and according to Elle Woods, endorphins make you happy. Early morning walks also seem to be a time to reflect. While I can't sit still enough to be successful at meditation yet, maybe my morning works are a good way to transition to it.
I'm definitely going to put the morning walk back into my routine. Now, if it could only stop raining every day!
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