Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What Not To Do When You Are On a Sugar Detox

As I’ve mentioned, I’m doing a sugar detox. I’ve been great at it. No cheats…for the first 7 days. Then, I cheated. In fact, I cheated big and had ice cream.

So, what do you not what to do if you are sugar detoxing?


It was bad. My stomach was upset within about 10 minutes. I bloated immediately. And, my stomach hurt for the rest of the night. The next day I still wasn’t right. It was almost like a sugar hangover. I didn’t start feeling right until 4pm…THE NEXT DAY.

But hey, I learned my lesson, didn’t I? Don’t cheat with something full of sugar when you haven’t had any for a week. Or maybe the bigger lesson is that sugar is making me sick (and overweight, duh!). Let’s just say, I haven’t cheated since and I don’t plan on it.

Other than the cheating incident, I have some other news. Turns out that if you cut out sugar, eat healthy and at least be a bit active, you are going to lose weight. I lost 6lbs and 5 inches off my body after one week of detoxing and staying within in my calorie range!!

If this is the first post you are reading about my sugar detox journey, I want to make it clear—I’m not doing a wacky diet (although I’ve done plenty over my lifetime) or doing the sugar detox to lose weight (although that’s a great side effect). I realized I had a sugar/sweets habit that I needed to break and I went cold turkey. Also, I still eat fruit.

Overall, I’m really happy with the direction that I’m going and the commitment to eating healthier!

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Pains of Sugar Detoxing and the Start of a Squat Challenge

I'm in the middle of day 5 of a sugar detox. This is some hard stuff.

Truth be told, I like candy. I like pastries and donuts and cupcakes. I've cut out sweets before but never cold turkey--and my habits crept back and so did a couple pounds. So last weekend, it became apparent that I don't have any self control and it was time to cut out sugar and sweets cold turkey.

I customized the detox for me because eating fruit isn't the problem--and fruit is healthy. Sugar is everywhere though. The cravings have been rough but if I crack, I know I'm going down the Candyland Lane for a vacation. I just keep saying no. I look at it and say no. I walk by it, stop, contemplate, and say no.

Yesterday (Day 4) was the first day I didn't want to say screw it, I'm getting some gummy bears and a donut. I'm finding that the cravings are getting lighter and less frequent. I'm closing in on the first full week of no sugar (its a small milestone that I set for myself) and I am beginning to think I can make it to 30 days.

And, the great thing is that (along with watching what I eat and moving my butt) I've lost 3lbs since Monday! That certainly gives me more motivation to keep going.

If I didn't give up time and time again, I would have been at my goal weight. But, I have the opportunity to really focus on myself for the first time in YEARS so I'm planning to take advantage of it.

Since today also marks May 1st, I wanted to create an additional challenge to up my shape up for the coming pool and beach time.

I'm already done with half of the May 1 squats and I'm also 15 miles in on my miles challenge too! Progress is truly one step at a time, and well, one squat at a time too.

Here's the squat challenge I created if you want to join me and are looking to shape up your bottom half as we head into summer!